What’s in this newsletter?

My writings on faith and life (and books and food.)

If it’s good and true and beautiful (and let’s face it, delicious), I’ve probably got some thoughts on it.

You’ll get personal essays, quick notes & reading recommendations, and the occasional recipe gushing about my latest favourite salad-y creation.

Subscribing means you won’t miss anything - each edition will come straight to your inbox.

Who’s writing?

Professional and personal bios are excruciating to write, so here are some things about me:

  • I have 4 degrees and half a doctorate (dissertation, undefended) in theology. I gave many, many years to study but ultimately found that academia fit me like an itchy sweater: I can wear it, but only for so long before I need a break. As an undergrad I also minored in drama, which raised a lot of eyebrows.

  • Lots of people have (normal) hobbies like biking or drawing or baking or listening to vinyl records. Mine has always been thinking. Yes, in the staring-out-the-window kind of way. I’m also a committed murder-mystery fan and dabbler in salad creation. Back when the Food Network launched The Next Food Network Star, I really wanted pitch a show about how amazing salad can be.

  • I’ve been journaling since 3rd grade and have no plans to quit before death.

  • As an American living in the UK with my British husband, I think a lot about cultural difference, especially because we both lived in Rome for a while.

  • I’ve spent several decades writing (mostly privately) about faith and life. Hitting 40 made me think maybe it’s time to share a little.

Why “By the Sea”?

It’s where I grew up, where I feel most myself, and where my best thoughts happen. I also love that in the Gospels, Jesus spends an awful lot of time by the sea - sometimes preaching & healing, sometimes escaping the crowds, and sometimes inviting his tired, scared, and discouraged disciples to come have breakfast. It seems like a good place to be.

I’d love to have you join me here.

And if you know someone else who might like to read, please do share!

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Thoughts on faith and life (and books and food.)


Writer, speaker, life consultant: pursuing what's good, true, and beautiful, and helping others do the same.